
Chemical Safety Board Videos and Reports, WorkSafeBC, and Chemical Engineering Process Magazine Spotlight on Safety Articles

The SAFEChE initiative and website builds process safety materials for non-profit educational usage upon copyrighted content. This usage falls under the guidelines of fair use as defined under Section 107 of the Copyright Act.

Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Process Safety Beacon

Process Safety Beacon newsletters are copyright of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AICHE), all rights reserved. However, reproduction and distribution for non-commercial, educational usage is encouraged by as described in the footnotes of the Process Safety Beacons.

Unit Operations Laboratory Incident and Near-Miss Reporting Form

A recreation and posting of the near-miss reporting form from Using Incident Reporting to Integrate Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment into the Unit Operations Lab was approved by the authors of the work. These authors are: Prof. Samira M. Azarin at University of Minnesota, Dr. Christopher Barr at University of Michigan, Dr. Janie Brennan at Washington University in St. Louis, Prof. Tracy L. Carter at Northeastern University, Prof. Amy J Karlsson at University of Maryland, and Dr. Sarah A Wilson at University of Kentucky.


ImageWebsite LocationAttribution
Deep Water Horizon explosion

Deep Water Horizon explosion Photo credit: David L. Valentine
US CSB logo capture of US Chemical Safety Board logo from video. Image credit: U.S. Chemical Safety Board
bhopal refinery of Bhopal disaster. Photo credit: Simone Kaiser and Der Spiegel
biohazard label from the American Chemical Society Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Academic Institutions. Image credit: American Chemical Society
ACS guidelines Image from the American Chemical Society Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Academic Institutions. Image credit: American Chemical Society
lab safety concept map from Introduction to Laboratory Safety for Graduate Students: An Active-Learning Endeavor. Image credit: Journal of Chemical Education for University of California, Berkeley. Image credit: University of California, Berkeley for University of Auckland, New Zealand. Image credit: University of Auckland, New Zealand
process triangle diagram
process triangle example
9 circles with the smallest circle nested within the next largest and so forth, The nine circles are labelled from smallest to largest: 1. Process, 2. Basic Process Control System, 3. Alarms and Operator Intervention, 4. Safety Instrumented System, 5. Physical Protection (Relief Devices), 6. Physical Containment (Bunds), 7. Fire and Gas System, 8. Plant Emergency Response, and 9. Community Emergency Response.
nfpa symbol on a drum
ghs symbol meanings
fire triangle
Prof. Fogler and Chair Sharon Glotzer at the 2019 AICHE National Conference for Prof. Fogler’s 80th birthday. Photo credit: Sandra Swisher

Photo of Prof. Fogler and Prof. Sharon Glotzer taken at the American Institute of Chemical Engineering National Conference in Nov. 2019 in Orlando, FL. Photo credit: Sandra Swisher of Dr. Chris Barr. Photo credit: Dr. Chris Barr
Headshot of Prof. Fogler photo of Prof. Fogler. Originally posted by Prof. Fogler. Image credit: University of Michigan of the 6th edition of Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering by Scott Fogler and published by Pearson. Image credit: Pearson Publishing


Video Name/DescriptionWebsite LocationAttribution
Outfit for Safety by the University of California, San Diego Chemistry Department
University of Michigan Electrical and Computer Engineering Safety Videos: “Safety Gear”, “The Sloppy Lab”, “Evacuate”, and “Food in the Lab” by University of Michigan Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lab Safety Videos: “How to Use an Emergency Safety Shower” and “Glove Removal Safety” by EHS at Iowa State University
Prof. Fogler’s virtual seminar at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Graduate Program in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro